Tiny Star

March 3, 2021

(Belated) 6 Years of Popcorn Post!

 Hey jammers! Popcorn here, and welcome to the very special 6 Years of Popcorn celebration post! 

Haha, I know it's a day late, but I didn't get a chance to see the Q & A questions in time (Thank you Doomy and Wild for asking some!) 

In this post: 

Q & A Answers

First outfit drawing "re-creation"
Let's get started!


Alrighty, we're going to start by answering the questions! 

What is your favorite memory you have from Animal Jam?

I don't really have a specific one... probably either making popcornpizza25 or making some of my best friends! Ah, those were the days where the game was still at it's peak, and we were getting frequent updates on animals, pets, etc. 

What is your least favorite memory you have from playing Animal Jam?

Probably when I got half of my best items scammed. I basically got "S14" or "2-person" scammed at a trading party. (If you don't know what that is, click here to read more) I forget exactly how it went, but I had like a yellow short collar, some den betas, a skunk tail, a glow ring, and an ahoy hat on my trade. This person walks up to me and goes "I'll take your list plus another den beta for my list." (Let's call her armadillo) And let me tell you, they had like a red long, 4 black short collars, and a couple of wrists. Mm-hmm. That rare. I then see someone on the other side of the party saying "Trade me :)" (Let's just call them giraffe). At this point I was pretty upset I didn't have another den beta that I could've traded that person that walked up to me. I just needed one more. So I check out giraffe's list and they have one den beta on their trade. I go over to their den to talk to them because I didn't want anyone else trying to make an offer with them for it. They say that they'll accept my yellow short collar and my skunk tail for it. 
Here is an example of something I did that impacted my present and future rarity in that moment. I had asked myself this question:
If I traded 2 of my biggest items on my list, would armadillo even accept my trade anymore? I lost bundles of den betas in worth, when I traded for that den beta. I was just so into the excitement that I could possible get spikes, that I had a complete brain fart. (I mean, I also didn't really know what scamming was at the time... that probably would've changed things) After I had made the trade with giraffe, I found armadillo. With a den locked, jam-a-grams off, and completely off the game. Giraffe, too. Ah, what a day that was. 

What motivated you to join AJ/why did you join?

Haha, I love that question! I joined on March 2nd, 2015, when I and some of my other friends stayed after school. Although the after school "program" if you will, was pretty horrible, it had one great benefit that overshadowed the downsides: Chromebooks. The teachers would let us each use a Chromebook until our parents came to get us (assuming all homework was done. *insert eye roll here*)
At the time, Animal Jam was still Animal Jam (none of that "Classic" nonsense) and AJ was still on one of your browser tabs and Animal Jam was still available for Chromebooks. 
But anyways, me and my friends were watching another one of my friends play Animal Jam on their Chromebook. None of us knew what it was at the time, only that our friend had a "membership" and they could assign us rooms in their beach house den. Yep. We would request rooms in her ginormous mansion, and she would decorate it! Although it seems pretty weird now, looking back, it was so fun xd
Eventually all my friends were playing Animal Jam, and we would have our own roleplay's, trading parties, whatever we wanted! Even when the school we were at found out how much time we spent on it and blocked it, we would find (probably unsafe) websites to play on it again. We were probably past the definition of addicted xd Anyways, that's the story of popcorn first joining Animal Jam. You can probably tell how clueless I was with picking a username; a friend I have still makes fun of me for it -_-
But this little website truly did change my life, and although a lot of my friends have moved on, I've never really thought about leaving it (oop, unless you count that 8 month "break" I had on it... o.O)
But we don't talk about that :)

What's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you on AJ?

Thanks for asking, Doomy! Probably the time I ran into a fox in Jamaa Township spamming "KITTY GO HISS". That was one of my favorite experiences as well :) (I might've included this in a previous edition of AJ Ally... I forget)

Time to move on!

In memory of my first ever AJ outfit, I decided to draw my bunny (my first animal) with the clothing items she wore! (I named her Rosy o.O) 

Thank you to Wild and Dogo for showing me Pixlr X; I've recently become in love with it and can't stop drawing my animals, teehee. But here's my drawing of Rosy when she was first born! (That sounded a lot better in my head)
(You can click her if you want to zoom in a bit)

It wasn't my best, but I think it turned out ok! (I used Animal Jam Archives' clothing assets to add the clothing items if you were wondering)


And that will wrap up this special post! I hope this was enjoyable, like always, and I do have a special announcement coming up... so stay tuned!

Thanks for reading and happy jamming!


  1. Yep, you made a post on KITTY GO HISS! It was in the post where you had the marshmallow polar bear? I don't forget AJ Allies because I'm just that type of person xD
    I got scammed by the 'points' system for my orange short wrist, which was my 2nd rarest item at the time. I was very sad, I cried for like 30 minutes straight, but looking back at it, I'm not sure why I made such a ruckus ;-;

    P.S. a scammer post is coming out because I got two different comments on my last post!!!

    1. I thought so! xD
      Ugh, I hate that one D:
      Haha, I know, I was always so overdramatic when my items got scammed, and my parents would be like "what what what what's wrong?!" and I would be like "I DON'T KNOW" xd

    2. Your Rosy drawing is so cute! If you don't click on her, it looks like it was made by AJHQ

      Also how do you add labels to a post? I looked everywhere but I can't find it and I even requested it on your other blog :((

      I'm glad you like Pixlr Art! I use it all the time xD


    3. Thanks!!

      Ooh, that's a good topic! I'll make a post today, and let you know when it's done!

  2. KITTY GO HISS oh my gosh haha xD

    I asked that question because in my time on AJ, I've experienced quite a few odd things.

    One time around 2012 or 2013, I went to my den and found that a TON of random people were there just looking around and I didn't know why. My den wasn't even on the Epic Dens list! I went on an alt account and asked some people why there were there, and I think they gave some weird answer like "[insert user here] said to come here" or something else that didn't make sense. It remains one of the many mysteries of my time on AJ...

    1. That's hilarious! Buddy prank maybe? I guess we'll never know... o.O

  3. Here's to your six years on Animal Jam! Whoo!

    1. Or I suppose to Popcorn, since AJC doesn't run on Chromebooks. Wonder when they'll get that fixed.

      Also the greens look better than the yellows!

    2. Thank you, Rainbow!! I agree, thank you for the tip on my last post! :)

  4. Hey, Popcorn! Try using Chrome Canvas, too! It's an AMAZING place to draw/edit!!! I use it like a BILLION times a day!!!

    Also, here are some questions:

    1. Who inspired you to blog?
    2. Do you think I'm good at making intros (see my post) :3
    3. Favourite blog post
    4. Will you post a new Kitten chapter anytime soon xD
    5. Fave animal
    6. Red velvet cupcakes or pizza?



    1. Hey, Vai! Thanks, I'll have to try it sometime!

      Alrighty, here are my answers:

      1. Probably Doomy! The AJS was the first blog I found, and I thought it was SO cool. A week later, the AJD was born!

      2. YAS QUEEN X) Sorry I didn't have time to comment on your post! Busy day xp

      3. Ooh, I really enjoyed the first episode of The Daily Interview, but I also really liked "How I Plan and Write My Posts"!

      4. I hope too!

      5. I LOVE OTTERS and giraffes!

      6. Red velvet cupcakes all the way ;)

      ~popcorn <3

    2. You, I mean IIII asked for it:

      1. Totally Doomy xD

      2. Kind of xD

      3. I loved your JAG post xD

      4. So excited!!!!

      5. Otters and wolvesss



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~popcorn CX