Hai, jammers!
Happy 1-Week Late Earth Day!
To commemorate the gorgeous holiday, here's the post that was meant to be posted on REAL Earth Day.. heh heh.
Unfortunately things happen, but I'm glad I got some time to work on this post today C:
I started working on an edit for Earth Day a couple of days ago, and I finally finished it today! The quality isn't great for some reason, so my apologies for that! (And Wild, I just saw your latest post as I was writing this one, and I didn't know you made an animal edit for Earth Day as well!)
I named this edit "Iris" which translates to "rainbow" in (Ancient! Thank you, Vai!) Greek. I thought it'd be a cute Earth/environmental name :)
Here is the edit:
This wasn't an edit based on anyone, just my ✨imagination✨
If it looks a little rushed, it's because it is xD I didn't have time to work on a lot of the specific lines like I usually do, but I think the finished product doesn't look too bad.. I actually referenced the colors from the Earth picture in Doomy's last post!
Now, onto 5 Ways YOU Can Take Care of the Earth!
1. Conserve water - Wasting water is one of the biggest ways individuals impact the planet. Examples of conserving water are: turning off the faucet when you brush your teeth, turning off the sink while you wash dishes, trying to do full-loads of laundry and dishes (instead of half loads), etc. All of these and more are great ideas for conserving water!
2. Use as little chemicals as possible - All of the chemicals we use to clean, wash our and houses and vehicles with, eventually gets washed down the drain, absorbed into the grass, and into our water supply. Chemicals can do real damage to not only our environment, but to the animals and wildlife in the area. Instead of using things like pesticides and weed killers, try finding a different solution to pulling up weeds and pests. Learn about alternatives to everyday house cleaners, and you can even try to make your own!
3. Reduce your usage of plastic - Plastic is one of the greatest environmental issues, and although it does get talked about a lot, I don't think many people actually realize the impact it makes on the planet. And it's not necessarily the material itself. It's the way people handle it. A study shows that only 9% of the items that we recycle actually end up getting recycled. That's simply.. unbelievable. To fix this, let's start trying to use recyclable, alternatives to plastic like the following: stainless steel, glass, cardboard, etc.
4. Drive and fly less often - Almost all vehicles run on gasoline, a very harmful chemical and air polluter. If you're headed out somewhere, think how far it is. Is it worth a vehicle transporting you? Or could you walk or bike there? If it is far, is there an alternative? Walking and biking are not only great for the environment, but they're great exercise too!
5. Compost/plant trees - I grouped composting and planting trees/flowers in the same category, because they're pretty similar to each other!
- Composting is when you place your leftover food scraps into a bin or pile, and after tending to it for a few weeks, you're left with rich soil, perfect for gardens and spreading across your lawn!
- Planting trees is another great way to help the environment! Trees protect land from getting eroded, and they're an essential part of the ecosystem. Planting trees has many other benefits as well, like protecting water and air. So, if you have any room in your yard, research some trees native to your area and consider planting some!
I hope y'all had a good Earth Day! Make sure you try to do at least one of these things a couple of times a year C: I recommend composting; it's such a great way to get rid of food waste, without just throwing it away. (It's also pretty cool to see the food transform into soil XP)
That's all for this post!