Tiny Star

May 24, 2021

Rare Spring Flower Mohawk & My Favorite *MAGICAL* Den Items

hai jammers!

howww are y'all doinnn?

today's post is really just a favorite items post.. nothin too special c: 

oh! we also've got our weekly RIM, and i'm... intrigued by it..

without further ado, let's get into the post!

the RIM is the one and only.. Rare Spring Flower Mohawk!

Price: 850 gems
Members only? Yes
Other variants: (i couldn't find any specific mohawks that fit with the design of this one, so i'm going  to skip this category!)

alrighty, now some of my absolute favorite *magical* den items! i said magical because these items sort of feel like they'd be in a harry potter book or something. just very.. fantasy-y C: (not in any particular order)

1. Rare Wood Fence

first up is the one, the only, Rare Wood Fence! i absolutely LOVE this item; the vines, and the raggedy wood fence vibe is so.. vintage? not quite sure how to describe it haha. and i love the animated fireflies flying around it C:

2. Piano Planter

i feel like the Piano Planter is such a cute and decorative item.. the variety of flowers and the colors are just *CHEFS KISS*, and the fountain/waterfall is so cute!! 

3. Patch of Fog

next up is the Patch of Fog, one of my ALL TIME favorite items ever. i love how it's not just a circled-cloud-thing, and it's got movement, and transparency, and animation. i love this item c: (similar to this is Phantom Smog, basically a lime green version of the above fog)

4. Lantern

not many people know of this item, but i love the old, wood look! the one thing i don't particularly like is the angle; i wish ajhq had tilted it a few more degrees so we could see more of the light! but it's still a favorite of mine, so it earns a spot on the list ^^;

5. Blue Fire Drum

moving on to the Blue Fire Drum! this item kind of reminds me of the soul torches and lanterns in Minecraft (if you know, you know). the teal/cyan/purple color scheme of this item is so pretty, and i really love the rustic feel of the item!

6. Rack of Rare Clothing

finally, we have the Rack of Rare Clothing! i personally think this item is so unique and cool.. the silver/gold colors of the rack make it look like a stone/medieval thing to me and i love it! this would be really cool for a backstage play/movie theater den! 

and that will mark the end of the post! thank you thank you for reading, and i hope to be back with another post soon!


~popcorn ✨


  1. I agree with you!! I especially love the Lantern and the Rare Wood Fence. Everything sold at the original 2012 Leap Year Party (Rare Wood Fence, Rare Skinny Lamp, etc) was SO pretty and magical looking. Love the floating fireflies soooooo much <3 T^T

    If you like the normal Lantern and the Rare Wood Fence, I think you might also like the Rare Skinny Lamp! Its like those two items combined-- AND it's nonmember c:

    Also, if you had meant to post the winner of the graphic contest already, I don't think it was published? You mentioned a while ago that sometimes Blogger turns your posts back into drafts

    1. YES! They're all so wonderful and majestic looking C:

      OOH! I think I've heard of that item before, and I may actually have one in my inventory.. I'll have to check!

      I'm actually still waiting on Princess Brightstar's updated entry. It'll be coming soon!


  2. OOoh I love everything on this list! I agree, the rare wood fence is AMAZING. I love the dots, I love the colors, I love the not-sharp lines, and I love the small vines. I also love that piano, because I play the piano XD and also because I really like waterfall items in general. The blue fire drum is my favorite adventure item, actually. It really looks so mythical :O

    Yeah, I truly agree with this list.


    1. YES haha, I agree with everything you're saying!!

      Ooh, really? I play piano as well! How long have you been playing?


    2. That's impressive!! I think I may be coming up on my 6th year in a couple of months C:

  3. The piano planter is definitely one of my favourite items on Animal Jam. I'm an orchestra nerd so I naturally gravitate towards instrument items.
    That said I also love a lot of the adventure items, including the gems and the fire drums, and even that stone circle from the first adventure. Too bad the newer items don't have the same vibe though.

    1. Yeah, I get it; I was in an orchestra at my school for 2-ish years, but just stuck with the instrument I was already focused on, piano. Do you play an instrument?

      And I agree, I LOVE the stone circle. Darn, I should've included that on the list..


    2. Yep, I played the viola for the orchestra club I was in some years back, but I also play the piano, and used to play the violin.

      Don't worry about it! There are so many lovely items after all, it's hard to include all of them!

  4. Sorry for holding up the contest, I have had difficulty creating a transparent background but I will keep trying!
    -Princess brightstar

    1. It's completely fine! Take as much time as you need :)


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~popcorn CX