Tiny Star

June 17, 2021

Looking Over My (Past and Present) Jam-A-Grams!

haii jammers!

squeee, i'm sorry for (yet again) taking another long break without warning!

i thought with my school over and such i'd have much much more free time but I WAS WRONG. a lot of my focus has been on some hobbies i've recently taken up, which included learning some languages (french and korean!) and trying to get on AJ more heehee

as you've most likely read by the title, i will be reading & reacting to some of my past and previous jam-a-grams :)

i wish i would've kept some of my really old ones, but i looked at my cluster of jam-a-grams a WHILE back and was like, "i really have no use for these, so i'll just recycle them." 

but i haven't gone through a lot of them in a hot minute so we'll see what surprises these will bring!

*also before i start, i'm sorry if you've left a comment and haven't gotten a response out of me in a while! i read and appreciate all comments so so much, but i never have the energy to reply xd so don't think much of it if i don't reply to your comment, i'll try to get to it later on c:

let's get right into the post!

ughh, i get this one so much. for some reason, aj likes to correct whatever message i send to "Animal Jam Rocks!" well it sure doesn't when it does that..

one of my past aj friends forgot who i was the other day :'( eh, it was a while ago so i don't blame her xd (ironic it says "birds of a feather"..)

i thought this one was worth documenting xd this may have been the remnants of a scam someone was trying to get me to fall for.. i don't completely remember haha

these 2 jam-a-grams i do remember! i was feelin' kinda down that day and decided to hop onto aj and say "send me some strange and wacky jam-a-grams!" just out of the blue like that. shoutout to the 2 people that did send me jam-a-grams and made me laugh C:

this one was actually from one of the members of The Animal Jam Friendship Community, Housemom418, after i won a contest of theirs! they were so sweet, i recommend you check out their blog here!

i wanted to attach this cute little message that this person sent me after they gifted me and i gifted back! (this is totally random, but who cares :P)

and now a series of random jags from one of my forever friends 😌

then 2 from a person who visited my blog (i think around October of 2020), and complimented the blog and my den c: 

and finally, some from the time when me and my friend went on a "stalk mission" to try and catch this scammer scamming xD what a time that was.

that will wrap up this miniscule post! i hope these gave you a good chuckle, and make sure you stay tuned for my next post!


~popcorn 🌴


  1. Ok good Popcorn exists... but does Vai exist?

    Ugh, I can so relate. Like, 4/5ths of my jags just say, "ANIMAL JAM ROCKS" (I also hate how it's in caps). Luckily I deleted all the ones I didn't like (for example... ANIMAL JAM ROCKS)

    Forgetting buddies. That's a good one, actually. I have about 500 buddies, most don't play the game anymore, some friends I don't remember. One time a buddy came online and she said I was her BFF... I didn't remember her tho. I was in a roleplay so I asked her to wait and I remember a jag she sent me CLEARLY: "This is not how it spots to be I thought we were best friends"
    Weird... there's typos and the language is strange, but I feel kinda bad for not remembering her :(

    1. Yeah, I exist!! I hope Vai posts soon!

      It's so strange; maybe there are certain things that an AJ bot censors?? (Even though the word censors are more than enough ugh)

      I completely can relate.. I was going through my buddy list the other day to clear the clutter and I stumbled upon 4 of my bestest (I know that's not a word LOL) buddies back in 2017-2018. It really saddened me to see all of their 30 days status, but it comforts me knowing they're probably off doing some greater thing other then Animal Jam, y'know? I don't know, just something I think about :)

  2. I get the 'animal jam rocks' thing too! I think it might mostly be a glitch with nonmembers >.<

    I've been kinda hesitant to clear out my buddy list, but I was thinking I might do a post sometime where I talk about what I remember about each inactive person before doing that

    And one of the best Jam a Grams I ever got was from an unknown person and just said "be the best u can and stay strong"

  3. Hi blossom, I figured out that if you click the jam-a-gram bar a couple times a cursor pops up and you can type a message. I have been the one that's been sending you buddy requests in aj classic under the name coolfunpigeons by the way. I also re did my entry for you contest with a translucent background.
    - princess brightstar


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~popcorn CX