Tiny Star

March 26, 2022

WEEEEE lil life catch-up

hello hello, jammers!

iiiit's popcorn speaking, back with another post c: 

this post is going to be extremely random, so there is your pre-reading warning HAHAHAHH. 

to start us off, i recently found this old little manila paper sketchbook kind of thing that was shoved at the back of a shelf, and i decided to try using it again! i used to really enjoy art and painting back in maybe 5th grade(??), but stopped because i kept getting frustrated with my art not getting up to my standards (and looking back i realized how atrociously high they were 💀💀). but i thought about doing some sort of sketchbook tour for a fuller post! i'm currently focusing on realistic animals.. i can't draw people for the life of me ahaahhha. i've also really gotten into using watercolor! i like the lighter look it gives to different pieces, and it's the paint type i've found easiest to work with c: 

*edit: it's 10:41 on a Saturday, and i just finished this turtle drawing with colored pencils that i started at 7:36 this morning ':D i got motivated to finish it AND I POWERED THROUGH. i was proud of it though, and just wanted to include it in this post. a little appetizer to the future post B) 


i hate what i write sometimes 

anyways, here's a picture! the lighting is bArBaRiC, so apologies in advance. 


and moving on, i have this little extension set on to my laptop called Momentum, and (assuming you're using Chrome as your web browser), it simply edits your "home page" and filters out a new background. you can also add little to-dos at the bottom! what i'm really trying to say here is, i like the background i got today :D (edit: this post has been worked on over the course of weeks so i do realize that the date this is published doesn't match the date of the screenshot)

anyways, just a little somethin' i wanted to share c: if you'd like to download it from the Chrome Web Store, here's the link: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/momentum/laookkfknpbbblfpciffpaejjkokdgca (y'all i promise it's an official website, i don't know why someone smashed their keyboard at the end of the link 💀💀)


i am sorry for the post delay! it's been a pretty brutal month/week; i have JV soccer every day of the week now, and i play on a club team (basically a sport organization arranged by my city) that practices every Tuesday and Thursday. on top of that, i just took 2 of my 16,000 (pff, more like 8) last week, so we're just in the home stretch now. to those currently studying/taking their finals, YOU GOT THIS :)) 

that will wrap up this mini post! thank you all for readinggg, and to those who haven't had their spring break, have fun! mine actually starts a bit later than usual, April 1st O-O



March 1, 2022

The Daily Interview - Season 2, Ep. 4: Delocate and Photograpie *13,000 Views Special*

hai jammers!

well well well, weeeeee've got ourselves another TDI episode c:

AAA, quick note, as you can probably tell, this blog hit 13,000 views a couple of weeks ago! i was a bit inactive when we hit 10,000, so i missed it, but eeee, thank you guys so much, and i hope this post is a pretty cool celebration one :']

also! this may or may not be the final episode for this season, depending on the response time i receive from my final jammer. have no fear, though, TDI is set to renew for a season 3! (this sounds like some big hit movie premier haha) TDI Season 3's primary focus will be announced at the bottom, so keep reading to find out :)

moving on though.. our special special guests today are none other than Delocate and Photograpie!

Delocate is an AJ Instajammer and is very well known for their AJ-related content and former work on Animal Jam Archives. big thanks to Delocate for letting me take the time to interview them! 

Photograpie is another AJ Instagrammer and is well known for his art commissions and graphic work for Animal Jam Archives as well. again, thank you for your cooperation in this interview, Photograpie!

notice! Delocate's questions are tweaked a bit from the normal Season 2 questions, because they are not a Jambassador. just wanted to give a quick heads up c: username

let's get started!


How did you come up with your username?

It was meant to be "Delicate" but I spent it wrong lol

When did you join AJ/AJC?

Since early AJC since 2013, then AJ since 2015,

When did you start gaining popularity on your social medias? (primarily YouTube and Instagram)

Last year, October mainly I think

Are there any jammers that you used to or still look up to?

Yeah, Snowyclaw, Animal Lover Jammer and many more 💕



How did you come up with your username?

Nothing deep, I just really liked photography before and since photograph/photography was taken I thought I'd make it photograPIE instead.

When did you become a Jambassador?

I became a Jambassador/got the invite to be a Jambassador on April 27

How has being a Jambassador in Animal Jam changed the way you play? (i.e. people follow you, people are in your den more)

It's all the same actually, no difference.

When did you start gaining popularity on your social medias? (primarily YouTube and Instagram)

I don't really know, I just went with the flow until my follower count went up to now being 2.6k (and I'm really thankful)

Are there any jammers that you used to or still look up to?

Of course! I have my inspirations and idols in the Animal Jam community aside from real life.


and those were the interviews! i especially loved having these 2 interviews in particular together because i loved the varied responses between the jammers C: 

thank you yet again, Delocate and Photographie, for your kindness during the interviews, and please make sure you check out Delocate's Instagram and Photograpie's Instagram soon


as i stated earlier in the post, TDI will indeed be renewed for a season 3, and the topic of it will be...














✨current AJ bloggers! 

i have a list of about 4-5 already that have expressed interest, but please comment below if you would like to get asked a few questions. my only requirements are that you run an Animal Jam-centered blog, but that one is a bit obvious hahhaa. 

thank you all for reading, and i'll see you soon! (happy start of March, as well ;)


~popcorn 🐸